2022 5th International Symposium on Traffic Transportation and Civil Architecture (ISTTCA 2022)
Home / Awards

Best Paper Award | 最佳论文奖

1. The first author of the paper registered. 注册文章第一作者

2. Oral Presentation Type. 做口头报告的演讲形式

3. The winners will be selected by the Program Committee. 最佳论文奖将由程序委员会综合评选

Analysis of the Influence of Wheelset Mode on High-speed Dynamic Performance of Train

Author(s): Ze Li

Simulation Study on Shear Performance of Steel-bamboo Composite I-shaped Beam

Author(s): Zhanjiang Liu

Route Optimization of Express Network Considering High-speed Rail Express and Carbon Emission

Author(s): NIU Jiaxin, ZHAO Peng, QIAO Ke

Research on Thermal Damage of Wheel and Rail Considering Material Contact Temperature Change Effect

Author(s): Wang Shuai, DuanZhi Dong

Bathymetry Estimation Using Ensemble Adjustment Kalman Filter in the Numerical Simulation of M2 Tide

Author(s): Haowen Wu, Guijun Han, Wei Li, Bin Li